15 High Tech Innovations Helping Humans Accomplish...
- The future is here.
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32 Predictions of What the World Might Look Like in...
- Humanity has always looked ahead to the future.
25 Reactions to Scientists Trying to Feed Us Cockroach...
- It's always scientists who have the weirdest kinks.
25 Examples of Things That Will Probably Be Gone in 20...
- Who knows what the future may hold.
23 DIY Gadgets The World Isn’t Ready For
- These people are living in 3022.
20 Modern Design Marvels That Deserve More Recognition
- These engineering marvels are mind-blowing, and...
Rookie Steph Curry Predicts Next Decade of Career, IS...
- Steph Curry is a household name today, but once upon a...
25 Reasons to Be Positive About The Future
- Lately, it seems like everywhere you look there is...
16 Prophetic Posts That Accidentally Predicted the...
- I've heard of life imitating art but that's kinda...
21 Posts Proving We're Living In The Future
- The future is now old man.
Imagining a Future Where Disney Achieves World...
- What does the future hold for Disney? Well, according...
Imagining a Future Where Disney Achieves World...
- What does the future hold for Disney? Well, according...
Robot Dog Tries to Be Polite but Can't Help Being...
- A park in Singapore unleashed a robotic dog to enforce...
AT&T Accurately Predicted Our Future Way Back in 1993
- This is eerily dead-on. What do they know that we...
Movies That Are Set in 2020
- How well did Hollywood predict our future? Reports...
Prototype iPhone Is Too Good To Be True
- What do you think about this concept iPhone?
36 Cyberpunk 2077 Memes That Are Taking Over The...
- Celebrate the trailer release of the most anticipated...
Kids In 1966 Predict Life In The Year 2000
- Some of them were pretty close with their ideas. Let's...
Dude Demonstrates the Future of Firearms
- It's a new product from Radetec called Smart Slide for...
A Piano That You Play With Movement
- Yamaha Corporation has created an AI-powered system...
News Anchor Gets Scared Taking a Ride in the Boring...
- Tuesday night in Los Angeles, Musk unveiled the very...
20 Inventions That Prove We're In The Future
- Take a glimpse at the future.
Chinese Company Unveils First Foldable Phone
- Royole, a Chinese company, releases the FlexPai,...
25 Deeply Relatable Millennial Thoughts
- Millennial thoughts that prove the future is not as...
This is What It's Like to Have a Self-Driving Car...
- These guys in Las Vegas, Nevada, ordered Dominos and...
Lucky Cyclist Has A Close Brush With Death
- This guy is just trying to live his life.
Guy Delivers Beer to his Neighbor by Drone
- This man delivered a cold beer to his neighbor using a...
Airhead Reporter Gets Trolled By Her Own Producers On...
- It's obvious this woman has never seen Back To The...
17 Life Hacks From 1995 That Will Take You Back In Time
- What a time to be alive!
15 People Share Their Worst Experiences from Summer...
- Bad experiences people had to endure from less than...
27 Futuristic Gadgets And Concepts That Are Taking Over
- The future has finally given us a microwave that is...
Read Your EBW Horoscope And Unlock The Universe's...
- We hope this helps you put your life into perspective,...
39 Proofs We're Already Living In A Dystopian Hell...
- The future is now and it's pretty pathetic.
Bricklaying Robot Can Build Walls 3X Faster Than Any...
- This machine can lay almost 400 bricks an hour,...
This Barack Obama Deepfake Video Shows We Are Headed...
- Woah there Mr President, there are kids listening.
19 Horrible Predictions About The Future
- When you try to predict the future, you better know...
AR Demo Will Have Your Inner Child Going Wild
- Soon we'll all be fighting each other in the street,...
More Proof That Celebrities Are Not Like The Rest Of Us
- In this weeks installment of "celebrities are just...
5 Warnings about the Future by Those Responsible
- These men started messes that they had to warn us...
SpaceX Comes up with Genius Concept to Launch a Car...
- It's hard to believe the rocket featured in this...
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