The Future is Now: Robot Strippers Debut in Las Vegas
- Pole dancing stripper robots have made their Las Vegas...
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26 Unbelievable Facts About The Not So Distant Future
- The world in the next 20 years is going to be insanely...
Tesla Unveils The Fastest Roadster In The World
- The stats on this car are absolutely nuts: 1.9 sec...
The Ideas Of Bored Elon Musk Are Pretty Brilliant
- We are not sure who this really is, but their ideas...
Interesting Historical Photos That Will Take You Back...
- Take a photographic tour through the past with these...
24 Mesmerizing Photos From History's Vault
- Interesting photos from the bizarre, to interesting,...
Back To The Future Brazil
- Did we just witness Marty and Doc heading back to the...
Uber Has Begun Its First Test Of Picking Up People In...
- The future is here!
18 Powerful Photos From The Olympics
- These photos speak volumes.
Is The New Rolls-Royce Really "The Car Of The Future"?
- BMW claims it knows the future, but is Vision 100 a...
21 Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future
- The TV show with writers that can predict the future.
Holoportation Is The Next Breakthrough In Technology
- Virtual 3D Teleportation is a reality.
New Robot Proves The End Is Nigh
- Meet Atlas. Designed to operate outdoors, inside...
24 Old Photos That Will Take You Back In Time
- Pictures showing how diverse our past really is.
24 Images From the Vault of History
- Historical photos that show history as it was, not how...
16 Times Science Went A Bit Too Far
- The future is now and the future is terrifying.
16 Times Science Went A Bit Too Far
- The future is now and the future is terrifying.
21 Intriguing Images From History's Vault
- Interesting photographs that tell the story of our...
The Future Of Shoplifting Is Here!
- A man riding a 'hoverboard' glides out the door with a...
26 Important Images From History's Vault
- More vintage pictures you more definitely should see.
Amazon Unveils New Drone Delivery System
- Just wait for the roving gangs of drone pirates...
My Life After 44 Years In Prison
- Otis Johnson describes what it's like to travel to the...
Back To The Future in Real Life
- Great Scott it worked!
Rumblr App Is Tinder for Fight Club
- Modeled after the popular Tinder app, except this one...
A Special Message From Doc Brown
- The future is NOW! Happy Back to the Future Day!
12 Things Back to The Future Promised We'd Have in 2015
- Awesome gadgets and futuristic technology Doc Brown...
Did 'Back To The Future' Predict 9/11?
- Woah Doc, better roll up your pant legs... sh*ts about...
19 Rare Images From History's Vault
- Delve into the past with a collection of histerical...
17 Rare Images From History's Vault
- Take a trip into the past with a collection of...
Tesla Predicted Smartphones In 1926
- People called Nikola Tesla a futurist, but maybe...
23 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Check out a fresh batch of natural selection at work.
13 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Remember that time you forgot to think?
Shining Examples Of Human Stupidity
- Witness natural selection at work!
Burial Pods Turn You Into A Tree After Death
- Forget coffins, these burial pods are the future.
26 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Natural selection is cruel but fair.
25 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Common sense nor logic has a place in these peoples...
Back to the Future II vs. 2015 The Reality
- In reality we have a lot more of the things from the...
Awesome Effect From Lasers And Camp Fire
- Looks like they opened up a portal to another...
26 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Common sense just isn't that common.
Tony Hawk Rides World's First Hoverboard
- This time he actually rides a REAL Hendo Hoverboard.
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