Police Called Over Couple’s Disagreement About...
- If you’re going to have a threesome, you’ve got to...
Media videos
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Dude Filming ‘Content’ Before His Flight Is the...
- Bro, just get on the plane.
Aussies Show How They Deal With ‘No Shoes, No...
- Any excuse to take the dogs out!
Dude Films Himself Ramming Police Cars Because ‘Jail...
- He’s not wrong.
Old People Really Don’t Understand Mobile Ordering
- It’s almost adorable.
Dude Shows His Mom His Tattoo Right Before He Leaves...
- If she doesn’t like it, too bad!
This Man Is Trying to Give Himself the World’s Most...
- And he’s a homeowner!
Dude Tries to Rob Store, Messes Up, Then Runs Out...
- How embarrassing!
Man Doing Karaoke Gets Hit with a Shock
- I’ve heard about a hot mic before, but this is...
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Fry a Turkey
- Every year, some people make the stupid mistake of...
Dude Being Chased by Cop Car Gets Away Using Super...
- Two can play at this game!
United Flyer Snaps, Starts Kicking Out Seat, Then Gets...
- This is what you get for not upgrading to Economy Plus!
Detroit's New Tower is Blinding Drivers
- If you don’t like looking at the Detroit skyline,...
Watch a Bunch of Bowlers Forget to Let Go of the Ball
- Rule #1 of bowling: let go of the damn ball.
Delivery Robot Gets Nervous, Holds Up Massive Lane of...
- It’s okay, little buddy — just get your ass out of...
We’ve Just Witnessed the First Ever Flop on a Free...
- If you’re a basketball player, you’ve gotta have...
‘Wet Jeans’ Fetishists Want to Get You Into the...
- But it’ll ruin the raw denim!
Kid’s First Motorbike Ride Is Also His First...
- As a parent, it can be difficult to say no to your...
The New Buddhist ‘Lama’ Is a Minnesotan Teen Who...
- From high school football direct to the monastery.
Woman Fixes Her Lactose Intolerance by Chugging...
- It worked, at least.
Hostel Installs Tattoo Gun You Can Only Rent If...
- It’s terrible — I love it!
Woman Reviews ‘House Turned Soul Food Restaurant’...
- You just can’t trust restaurants anymore.
Another Dumbass Paid Millions for a Duct-Taped Banana
- And the new owner says he plans to eat it. Art!
Scientists Taught Rats to Drive, and Now They Can’t...
- Pretty soon, we’ll have them committing tiny,...
Dude Somehow Doesn’t Realize He’s Dragging a...
- That’s really not how you do that.
Man Testing Out Cheap Parachutes Has Balls of Steel
- Looks like skydiving isn’t a budget-friendly...
Car Crash Sends Deer Into Space
- One small step led to a giant leap for deerkind.
Streaker Gets Attacked by Lacrosse Players
- Save it for the locker room!
British Farmers Are Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons to...
- I didn’t think they had it in them!
Is Jay Leno Secretly a Mob Boss With Gambling Debt?
- Jay Leno’s been injuring himself a lot recently —...
Waterslide Looks More Like a Torture Device
- Whee, ouch, whee, ouch!
Dude Gets Kicked in the Head During Fight Over...
- It’s the most athletic thing ever seen on a...
Are You a ‘Starseed’? Here’s Supposedly How to...
- Everyone wants to be special.
‘Golf Cart Parade’ Ends in Old People Crashing...
- And you *know* that they were all hammered.
Amusement Park Riders Get Stuck in the Air for Hours
- Yet another reason to not go to a place called...
Teen Kicks His Way Out of Interrogation Room
- One of the many downsides of drywall!
TikTokers Are Bragging About Never Drinking Water
- Water: It’s something we drink not because it tastes...
Guy At Funeral Drops His Vape Pen Right on the Casket
- It’s what he would have wanted—on second thought,...
Stevie Wonder Told Carmelo Anthony He ‘Loved...
- Sigh… Here we go again.
Inside New Orleans’ Shrek-Themed Uber
- This is *my* minivan!
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