‘She Can Afford To Repaint It’: No One Is Weeping...
- Two eco-protesters from the Spanish climate activist...
Media videos
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Touring the “Worst Resort in Las Vegas”
- Las Vegas may be associated with...
Thoughtless Driver Ruins Everyone's Day at the...
- This lady made a mess at the West Midland Safari Park....
We're Still Thinking About the Guy Who Fumbled a Bag...
- "Can’t fumble when you don’t even know you have...
The Time a SR71 Blackbird Called Los Angeles Tower For...
- A wiseguy pilot trolls other aircraft in the vicinity...
Spanish Minister Filmed “Biking” to Climate...
- The entire stunt feels like something out of an...
Family Gets Massive SUV Stuck Inside a Redwood Tree
- "They were expecting a burger at the drive through."
Footage of Britney Spears Being Backhanded By Security...
- Britney Spears filed a police report the other day...
Tenants Take Building to Housing Court After Getting...
- You'd be hard-pressed to find a group with more...
‘The Boy Different’: DJ Khaled Struggles to Read...
- "The minute you think you've figured out the boy, the...
Florida Murderer Elbows His Attorney in the Face...
- Somehow, I don't think his legal council was to blame...
Concerned Neighbor Finds Out the Wailing Next Door Was...
- Pet funerals are a devastating affair. But one lady...
Idiotic Tourist Risks Being Gored By Wild Animal For...
- After two years of leading the pack as the world’s...
Guy Surprises Girlfriend With Proposal as She Exits...
- The mile-high club – it’s not just for sex!
Guy Offers His Robbers $100k for Return of His Hard...
- What do you think he really had on that hard drive?
Grindset Bros Have Discovered Yet Another Free Money...
- Looks like the grindset community will need to figure...
Out-of-Control Segway Terrorizes Small Town as It...
- “That thing's a shin killer.”
Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
Twitch Streamer Catches Purse Snatching Live On Stream
- The French Twitch streamer FransizSerdaR typically...
Thief Uses Blow Torch To Open Locked Walgreens Shelves
- No key? No problem!
The 'Snackle Box' Food Trend Is a Great Reminder to...
- Food trends on the internet are always delightfully...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
Former VFX Worker on 'The Flash' Explains Why Its CGI...
- "Movie studios don't care about good cgi," No The...
Guy Tries to Take a Cute Pic With a Stingray, Learns...
- "They're not called Cuddle Rays, genius."
Cops Called for "Body in the Trunk," But It's Just a...
- "That went from “homicide” to 'Oh my wig!' real...
Fake Drill Sergeant and His 'Military Fitness' Class...
- "You’ll never guess how the drill instructor enters...
Karen Thinks Man Idling in His Tesla is Polluting the...
- Karens hate it when people just sit in their cars.
'She's Worth 750 Million': Kylie Jenner's Red Flag Is...
- Kris Jenner was too busy coordinating a tip-centric...
He Had Enough of His Neighbor's Dog Pooping In His...
- After asking his neighbor to stop letting his dog go...
European Castles VS Similarly Priced Canadian Real...
- "2.8 mil for that? Is Canada OK?"
Behold Tram Bowling: The Most European Sport of All...
- People are discovering Tram bowling for the first...
'Embarrassing': Drake’s Credit Card Got Declined...
- It was a “Rich Flex” gone wrong.
Man Filmed 'Ghosting Riding' His Car Down the Freeway
- Whatever this guy was trying to achieve, we think he...
'Honey Sauce' is The Anthem You Didn't Know You Needed...
- Don't sleep on that keyboard solo either.
The Karen Video to End All Karen Videos
- Karen's have been out of the meme-cycle for a few...
Man Pours Bleach On His Face For Clout
- In all my years of being online, I can confidently say...
The Top of Mount Everest is Actually a Garbage-Filled...
- "The Tallest landfill on Earth."
Car Launches off Tow Truck Ramp Due To a Distracted...
- Bodycam footage captures the moment a distracted...
Twitch Streamer Alinity Banned For Twerking On Stream
- This isn't the way for Twitch to shake its prude...
Punk Washes His 'Crust Pants' For First Time in 3 Years
- Punk is alive and stinkier than ever – just ask...
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