Fired For Being Too Hot
- if only all bank tellers looked like this
Media videos
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Suicide Parkour Jump
- Might as well have been suicide seeing as he wasn't...
Butt To Face Dance
- The most fucked up dance of all time.
Cheese Rollers Defy Police
- This event held for over 200 years was canceled due to...
Epic Marriage Proposal
- An amazingly orchestrated wedding proposal that took...
The Coke Zero Mentos Rocket Car
- made by EepyBird
Cat Gets Down
- Dats one funky cat.
Drummer a Little Too Into It
- or maybe he was just at the wrong gig
Epic Pool Jump
- ......or not.
Awesome Street Drummer
- Uses buckets, pans with change, bottles and more.
Rally Car Stunt Gone Wrong
- that was wicked!
Mean Brother
- im sure he knew what was going to happen.
Cargo Ship VS Crane
- Oh wow, i wonder how that happened.
Perv Kitty
- yeah he wants some.
Flying Lawn Mower
- Serves no real purpose but it looks pretty cool
Very WTF Thing on the Side of the Road
- seriously WTF???
Downhill Driving Fail
- it goes from bad to worse.
Local Youths Steal a Police Car
- The future of society at its best.
CBC Translator Loses It!
- CBC Translator "can't hear" during Minister Van Loan's...
Skater Ball Strike Comedy
- little skater kid gets his balls wrecked.
Rally Celebration Fail
- Leszek Kuzaj wins a rally in Poland and fails while...
Low Flying Aircraft Over House
- plane flying really low over house
Everyone Trips Over the Same Sidewalk
- Are they all blind? Nope just old
Naked Man And Street Brawl
- Bay to Breakers summed up in 30 seconds. Don't mess...
Texas Deploys Spy Drones
- Were all probably being watched right now
Police Arrest Fail
- handcuffs WOULD have been a good idea.
Gina Carano Gets Farted On
- hot MMA fighter girls doing yoga, and one of them gets...
Run For The Porta-Potty
- some weird in-field event at the 2010 Kentucky Derby...
Cool Levitating Top
- By using magnetic poles this guy can make a top...
Dog Likes the Beatles
- Dog will only listen when his owner talks like the...
Man Almost Nailed by a Train
- Dude !... Look out !
Land Slide in Italy
- It actually looks pretty cool
Miley Cyrus Dances Dirty with Producer
- TMZ shows us even more evidence that Miley Cyrus is a...
Mama Bear Helping Baby Bear
- looks like Jr. is stuck up a tree
Will Ferrell Express
- Will Ferrell made a special appearance for the Round...
Walk on Water
- ...Liquid Mountaineering.
Haitian Palace Collapse
- Intense footage shows the presidential palace...
Falling Objects Create Beat
- I wish I had this kind of free time...
Alcoholic Dog
- He's an angry drunk
Pimp My Snowboard
- Guy installed LEDs in his snowboard. The effect looks...
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