Worlds Bravest Kid
- He would cut up a Lion!
Media videos
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Cool April Fools Gag on Students!
- The teacher's shadow rebels against him until the...
Dad Fail
- no he's not alright, he fell 1 foot!!
The Ultimate Dunk Contest Fail
- He knew it was going to be his last dunk...so he...
Skateboarding Stop Motion
- Pretty nice detail with depth and object interaction.
Contestant Can't Add
- She needs to play more Blackjack......
Swing Jump Nut Shot
- OWW! Why would anyone let their friend flip off of a...
Volleyball Spike To The Face
- I love instant replay.
Girl Chair Jump Fail
- this dad knew exactly what he was doing
Surprise Kitten Pen Attack!
- penz bad. they will be eated.
Awesome Ninja Kick to the Face!
- Two chicks duke it out and one definitely had some...
Lady Gets Caught Trying to Scam Court
- This was too funny. She presented her evidence of a...
Undisputed Evidence of a UFO Sighting
- ........according to these news anchors.
Sonic Boom in Slow Motion
Bus Explodes In Training Exercise
- yeah, he lives
Auntie Driver Parking Fail
- with subtitles!
Oblivious Driver Crashes Into Rock Slide
- does he have man boobs?
Blind Soldier Learns To "See" With His Tongue
- Craig Lundberg has become the first soldier to test a...
Jailbait Bikini Girl Fail
- The title pretty much covers it
Cool Truck Projection Animation
- One bad ass rig!
Lion King Toy Fail
- Might need a re-design!
French Star Wars
- Its not a surprise that this is French
Entrance WIN
- this is usually what I do every time I walk into a...
Brad Paisley Faceplant
- A wasted Brad Paisley falls face first during concert.
Awesome Dog Food Commercial
- Super slow-motion of dogs catching treats
Women's Basketball Punch
- Officials ejected Baylor University star Brittney...
The Homemade Flying Hovercraft
- Inventor makes a flying hovercraft AND it's for sale
Ultimate Green Sports Car
- This super exotic car uses no fuel and emits no...
Double Miracle Shot
- it's double over time and Davidson is down 3, after...
Crazy Motorcycle Stunt
- Crazy Stunt in Pakistan
Kid Glowsticking
- he's not half bad
Fun with Powerlines
- Tree branch plus power lines equal fun.
Glass Harp
- Street musician has some awesome skills.
Treadmill Plus Ball Equals Fail
- Does that guy not have the internet?
Jaeger Bomb 300
- This has to be the coolest way to make a Jaeger Bomb
Sideline Reporter FAIL
- looks like we have another brian collins on our hands....
'World's Strongest Boy' Breaks New Record
- Giuliano Stroe is back, the world's strongest boy, and...
Vince Carter Makes 86-Foot Seated Shot
- Just a regular day for Mr. Carter.
Firefly Micro-Helicopter Display
- A cool and interesting way to display three...
Big Girl Creek Jump Fail
- she doesn't get close at all, but there is a guy in a...
eBaum's Picks