Kid Scares Dad
- A human Jack-in-the-Box!
Media videos
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Breakdancing baby
- More from the amazing breakdancing baby.
Bride Freaks Out
- This bride freaks out about her hair before her...
Lions VS Donkeys
- Footage of lions being fed live donkeys at an Iraqi...
Kitty Spa
- It's like a washing machine for cats!
Firecracker VS Cabinet
- The kid who volunteered to hold the door is lucky he...
Deer on Ice
- Rescuers come up with a clever way to get a deer off...
Sparkler Bomb
- A cheap and impressive bomb improvised out of...
Lake Peigneur
- Incredible footage of Lake Peigneur showing a...
Insane Dunk
- This is the most amazing dunk you will ever see...
Salt Sound Waves
- It's amazing to see the patterns created in the salt...
Anti Homosexual Song
- We can't tell if this is a hoax, but even if it is...
American Idol
- Just when you think you've seen the worst contestant...
Unintentional Porn
- Keep in mind that this clip is from a children's...
The Office Recut
- Have you been keeping up with the office lately? It...
Scorpion VS Ryu
- Now someone just needs to make a game where we can do...
Wheelchair Flip
- What do you do when you ruin your extreme sports...
BREAKING: Prehistoric Shark
- Video of the prehistoric shark found in the waters...
American Idol
- This has to be the worst American Idol contestant...
Rocket Scooter
- Yet another genius attaches rockets to a self...
Rocket Board
- And the award for the most responsible dad of the year...
WayBack WHENsday: Girl Hit
- Classic: A guy, for some reason, asks this girl to hit...
Saddam Hanging
- Some Iraqi kids reenact the hanging of Saddam Hussein.
High Speed Explosion
- A car exploding caught on high speed film.
Gymnast Head Hit
- This gymnast looks like a punch drunk boxer after...
Quarterback Gets Sick
- This QB gets sick right before a play, how do you...
Super Bowl Shuffle
- In honor of the bears winning the NFC championship,...
Windy Soccer Match
- High winds force players to dodge very large...
Windows Sound Prank
- Here's a great prank to play on your friends.
Another Bad Driver
- How hard is it to drive through a wide open gate?
Solo Concert
- This guy is just amazing.
Pelican VS Pigeon
- This is a one sided battle.
Buying Alcohol
- A handy guide to purchasing alcohol for all of the...
WayBack WHENsday: Earl Weaver
- Classic: It's great to hear what is being said while a...
Lion and Human
- Look to see what happens when you get too close to a...
Sodium Disposal
- Classic video showing the US Government disposing of...
Smoking Crab
- This crab has picked up a pretty nasty habit.
Bot Fly
- Not for the squeamish, this is just disgusting!
Mel Blanc
- You may not have heard of him, but I'm sure you've...
Navy Recruitment Ad
- A hilarious parody advertisement for the US Navy.
eBaum's Picks