Cart Pull
- They may have overloaded their cart a little bit.
Media videos
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Plastic Surgery
- Plastic surgery transforms this girl from a 3 to a 10.
Spoiled Brat
- You won't believe how this spoiled brat reacts to a...
Fall then Whine
- This skater wipes out then whines like a little girl.
Office Explosions
- An entire office is blown up to bring in the new year.
Lebron 80 Footer
- King James nails a 80 foot buzzer beater!
Old Trailer
- What's the best thing to do with a trailer you don't...
Better than Wii?
- This technology looks amazing, a on screen character...
Singing Toenail
- This is just disgusting.
Keith Richards
- Keith Richards gives a fan who runs on stage a taste...
Chair Slingshot
- This is exactly what friends are for!
Islamic Wife Beating
- This guy has some pretty twisted views on the...
Yet Another Parasite
- Another video showing a parasite causing an animal to...
Best Laugh Ever
- This guy has the best laugh I've ever heard...
The 10 Second IQ test
- Take this test to find out how smart you really are.
Why Idiots Prevail
- A great clip showing why the smart people of the world...
Heroin Christmas
- Classic: The one good thing about having a heroin user...
Baby Fart
- Even babies enjoy a good fart!
Voice of Mario
- I never expected the guy to look like this.
Classic Nascar Crash
- It looks like the wrecks were the best part of races...
Chalkboard Stop Motion
- A cool winter themed stop motion video.
Best Country Song
- Even if you aren't a fan of the genre you'll get a...
Bass Balloon
- This guy makes a bass out of a few balloons.
Amazing Accident
- Make sure to watch the entire video, you won't believe...
Highway Skaters
- Some guys skate down the road... in sandals?!?
Dumb trend gets dumber
- Ghost ride the whip!
Job Interviews
- Interviews can't go much worse than these.
Car Towing
- Rule number 1 for towing a car, make sure that the...
Crane Lift
- "Uh guys.... I think we need a bigger crane."
Pillow Fight Crybaby
- What a sissy!
Amazing Pong Shots
- I wonder how long it took these guys to make all of...
Choke on TV
- A CNN reporter chokes on television while announcing...
Saddam Hung
- As promised, here is the full video of the hanging of...
YMCA Dance
- This is some of the worst dancing I've ever seen.
Suicide Via Cops
- I have a feeling that this guy just wanted to die.
Cute Dog
- This cute dog is so sleepy he can't even keep his head...
Howard Stern CNN
- Howard Stern fans continue to prank CNN anchors.
eBaum's Picks