Bad Bike Crash
- This has to be one of the worst crashes of the year.
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Turtle Taught Tricks
- Yeah, but can he scare off burglars?
Human Jump Rope
- Here's another cool looking, but entirely useless...
Binocular Soccer
- I think everyone on the planet would watch soccer if...
Biker VS Street Sign
- I'm pretty sure that sign says "Don't run into me with...
Car Wash Moron
- You won't believe what this idiot does at a car wash.
Waitress Fall
- Something tells me that this isn't real, but if it is...
Steve Nash
- Steve Nash pulls off a great prank, after chipping his...
Kangaroo Interrupts Golf
- I can see why nobody wanted to try to get this...
Thunder Storm
- And this is why you don't stand under a tree during a...
New Cinnamon Challenge
- Yet another poor sucker attempts the cinnamon...
Weed Ad
- As soon as weed is legalized expect to see some...
The BEST Cinnamon Challenge
- The best and most straight forward cinnamon challenge...
Wheelbarrow Race
- Even if they win, they still look like douchebags.
Gas Truck Explosion
- This gas truck explodes after a static electricity...
Jon Lajoie-Cold Blooded Christmas
- Jon Lajoie brings us the darkest Christmas ever.
Hotel Glasses
- You won't believe the disgusting things that happen to...
Hockey Prodigy
- This kid pulls off an NHL style shot in the peewee...
Bar Head Hit
- It looks like gymnastics is taking it's rightful place...
Jon Lajoie-Everyday Normal Guy
- Jon Lajoie sings a song for the average man.
Motorcycle Idiot
- You have to admire that he doesn't even brace for the...
Drunk Hockey Fan
- Drunk people should be the halftime entertainment at...
2 Girls 1 Cup Huge Group
- The bar for grossing out your friends with 2 girls 1...
Go Kart Wreck
- How lucky is this kid?
The Backflip
- Luckily, this jerkass set up mats to protect his face.
- The cat lady does exist!
Spinning Door Idiot
- Here's a really good way to get decapitated.
Satan The Cat
- And here is yet another reason why dogs rule.
Medicine Ball
- There's nothing like a 15 lb medicine ball to the head...
Sneaky Cheat
- Here is a pretty brilliant way to cheat on pretty much...
Football Blooper
- This guy manages to botch a TD celebration in the...
A Whole New World
- This guy can sing both the male and female parts of...
The Roots 2 Girl 1 Cup
- Check out hip hop group "The Roots" as they see 2...
Water Magic Trick
- Look closely, can you tell how this guy pulls off this...
Fat Kid Soulja Boy Remix
- The Original "Feminine Fat Kid Dancing" to the tune of...
Kick in failure
- "I told you to kick it in, not knock!"
Lawnmower Ramp
- You know something good is going to happen when...
Disturbing PSA
- This PSA from Canada might be taking it just a little...
Car Wash Moron
- This guy gets what he deserves for opening his car...
Grandpa's Rubber
- If you think condoms are bad now....
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