- I didn't think that we'd ever see the day where girls...
Media videos
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Live News Car Chase
- This has to be the worst possible ending for a police...
Bible Show Call
- Listen in as T-Dawg calls into the religious show...
Too Super Cool
- If only everyone saw you like your pet does.
Richard Leigh
- Richard Leigh came by our office and thought it would...
50 Cent Snorting Coke?
- This video shows a foreign reporter creeping into 50...
Rock Climbing Nut Shot
- This has to be the holy grail of nut shot videos.
Weights Showoff
- This guy thoroughly impresses a hot chick in the gym...
Jon Lajoie-Breakup Like a Bastard
- Here is a very simple guide to breaking up with your...
Gas Station Fire
- Some idiot tries to burn down a gas station because he...
Perpetual Mario 3
- Another perpetual Mario for all of the lazy gamers out...
The Business
- It turns out that "Giving Him The Business" is a...
Booger Eater
- An University of Kentucky player gets caught eating a...
Bad Dog
- This poor kid nearly gets ass raped by his dog after...
Surgery Gone Wrong
- This news anchor just can't keep a straight face as a...
Misheard Lyrics
- Check out how hilariously different a song can become...
Mousetrap Celebration
- This kid celebrates just a little too hard after...
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
- Obviously, in Kellie Pickler's case, the answer is a...
Skateboard Tube
- Check out the new world record for the most complete...
Guy vs Parking Bar
- This guy is so smooth.
People Are Strange
- I would really hate to be at this crosswalk.
2 Girls 1 Cup and a Grandma
- Grandma says she doesn't like it, but notice how she...
Fatty KO
- This kid thinks he's so tough until he's laying on his...
Cute Dog
- This dog is just the cutest as he takes a shower.
Moving a Church
- See how this group moves a 100 year old church to a...
Terrell Owens TD With Popcorn
- TO had his popcorn ready for his most recent touchdown...
Weng Weng
- Meet Little Superstar's cousin as he whoops 4 guys at...
Drunk Fall
- Looks like this guy had so much drink, that he...
Weight Lift Face Plant
- This couldn't have felt good.
Givin' Him The Business
- This penalty came after a penalty was called for...
Santa is Dead
- Looks like he really is gone.
Barf Bag Reversal
- I guess barf bags don't always work as they are...
Cherry Chocolate Rain
- The newest video created by Tay Zonday for Dr. Pepper.
A Quick Guide to Instant Success
- Great motivational speaker and....rapper?
Going Through 50 Lightubes
- And the aftermath!
Girlfriend Scare
- Scaring the hell out of my girlfriend... enjoy!
Fastest Clapper - Kent French
- Check out the fastest speed clapper in the world!
Kermit Watches 2 Girls 1 Cup
- Here is Kermit the Frog's reaction to the infamous...
Skateboard Nut Shot
- Another idiot on a skateboard pays the price.
Slap Fight Knock Out
- This kids going to have a mark after that hit!
eBaum's Picks