California Man's Firework Stash Goes Up In Flames
- A stockpile of Fireworks goes off with a bang as...
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Storm Trooper Tries to Join the Fort Worth Police...
- A veteran officer attempts to train a Stormtrooper,...
YouTuber Cooks a Chicken Using the Power of Slaps
- This slap-tastic new cooking method relies on the...
Doorbell Cam Captures Plane Crash in Suburban...
- A small plane has crashed next to North Perry Airport...
Camaro Drag Racer Goes Airborne but Sticks the Landing
- This drag race could have been disastrous but luck was...
Deer Yeets Itself into Garage Door Just for Fun
- Mother nature at its finest.
Blowing into a Crowd Control Barrier Sounds like a...
- Bravo, my guy. Now try playing it like a fiddle.
Bus Driver Explains Why School Buses Have Black Lines...
- Even the school bus can be educational.
Woman Gets a Taste of 'When Grilling Goes Wrong'
- Who doesn't love a good cookout? As the weather gets...
Whoopi Goldberg Has Great Reaction to Meghan McCain's...
- Nice word salad there, Meghan.
Worst Attorney Ever Earns Herself Contempt of Court...
- If you're ever in legal trouble, maybe don't call...
YouTube Chef Trashes Gordon Ramsay's Grilled Cheese,...
- Ooooh, Gordy's gotta be mad about this one!
North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn Punches a...
- That'll show 'em.
North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn Punches a...
- That'll show 'em.
Close Look at Professional Deep Cleaning of Nasty...
- I've never felt so compelled to keep watching...
Girl Fighting Dirty Gets a Little Too Dirty
- She looks like she needs an exorcism.
Girl Finds a Second Apartment behind Her Mirror and...
- Can she claim this space as part of her unit?
SpaceX Mars Rocket Politely Waits a Few Minutes before...
- So close, yet so far.
Company Calls out Amazon For Blatantly Copying Their...
- Amazon had copied one of their bestselling bags. They...
Live News Report Turns Into Police Shoot-Out with...
- Meanwhile in San Diego, A journalist covering...
These 3.5 ft. Long Adidas Clown Shoes Are the Worst...
- How long is too long?
How Intense Marine Training Really Gets
- He makes this look way too easy.
Facebook Perpetuates the Dystopian Hellscape with an...
- Zucc wants to know where you are at all times.
Facebook Perpetuates the Dystopian Hellscape with an...
- Zucc wants to know where you are at all times.
Anti-Masker's Solution to Store Requiring Face...
- She's basically Dutch oven-ing herself.
Guy Knows Answer to $1 Million Question but Walks...
- This still keeps him up at night.
Idiot Crashes Multi-million Dollar Yacht into Pier
- A shiny blue Yacht crashes into the Sint Maarten Yacht...
Rubbernecking Couple Crash their Motorcycle on Live TV
- A distracted couple c wind up in a motorcycle while...
Comedian David Mitchell Gives Calls Flat Earthers...
- Even in today's modern world with provable...
Pakistan's Rollerblading Police Force Releases Another...
- What's next, cops on Heelys?
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
Fail of the Week: Texan Gets Stuck with $17,000...
- He got screwed over royally on this one.
Guy Turns Childhood Memory with Olsen Twins into...
- This song kinda slaps.
Boeing 777 Engine Bursts into Flames and Forces...
- Thankfully no one was hurt.
Cyclist Gives a Tour of the 'World's Worst Bike Lane'...
- From obstacles and parked vehicles to oncoming traffic...
Game Show Contestant Freaks out During Icelandic Game...
- During a show called "Guess Better", this dude has a...
Parents Outraged after Hot Mic Catches California...
- Some members of an Oakland School Board got caught...
TV News Crew Gets Robbed While Filming on the Street
- This guy's got balls.
Woman Snaps When She Returns to Find Her Car Frozen...
- Of all the parking spots in all of Texas, she had to...
25 Years Later, Adam Sandler Can Still Do the 'Happy...
- He's still got it.
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