Rapper Gets Blasted for Literally Flushing Thousands...
- Rapper Kodak Black chose to casually throw nearly...
Media videos
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Way Too Close to the Rio Clario Fuel Tanker Explosion
- That's.... that's close enough.
Bomb Squad Blows Up Their Own Truck Disposing of...
- The LAPD Bomb Squad had an eventful evening after...
Bomb Squad Blows Up Their Own Truck Disposing of...
- The LAPD Bomb Squad had an eventful evening after...
Political Fight Over Masks Ends Abruptly
- It's not about how you start. It's about how you...
"Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" Just Got Remixed into a...
- YouTuber There I Ruined It likes to take songs and...
Crowd Goes Insane After Disc Golfer Shoots 247-Foot...
- James Conrad needed to make one shot in order to force...
Police Chase Wild Man Out Living His Best Life (While...
- In a potently WTF video, a man goes on a... laughing...
YouTuber Creates DIY Chair Tutorial (Without Once...
- Hold on, hold on. Can we talk about the bullet holes?
Tuk Tuk Racing in Sri Lanka is (Very) Real
- In hindsight, this had to be a sport some day.
Man Caught Cheating in the Middle of an Interview
- That has to be the most 2020 way to cheat through a...
2 Dudes Complete the Dumb and Dumber Mini-Bike Road...
- Between the poor gas mileage and noxious fumes, these...
Hideo Kojima Is Q-Anon For Gamers (Every Kojima...
- Hideo Kojima has built a career out of messing with...
Fireworks Balloon Erupts Way Too Soon
- That escalated... instantaneously.
Race Car Hits Fence Like Missile Strike
- The driver, Austin Dillon, was able to walk away from...
Using a Live Snake to Clear Out a Rodent Infestation
- Just in case you've got a severe rodent problem and a...
Man's Soul Shrivels Up Inside Him During Failed Pitch...
- This man's excruciating existential agony could almost...
Amazon Under Investigation for Reportedly Destroying...
- Multiply that by the number of employees and number of...
The Lock Picking Lawyer Vs. StopBox's AR-15 Chamber...
- With only 6 possible combinations it doesn't take the...
Trailer For 'Karen' Horror Movie is Pure, Distilled...
- This feels like a bad SNL skit.
Gun to His Head, Badass Keeps Eating His Wings
- This guy simply wasn't going to get out of those wings...
Parents Absolutely Lose It During Little League Game
- That whole saying about parents just being kids with...
Man Unleashes Road Rage With the Worst Timing in...
- You should look both ways when crossing the road. As...
Holistic Quack Sounds Like Parody of Himself
- This ad could air word-for-word on SNL and not feel...
Every Person After Their First Day at a Boxing Gym
- The most hilarious thing about this is how seriously...
Greenpeace Activist Flies Into Stadium, Gets Tangled...
- Shortly before the kick-off in the game between France...
Watch This Robber Knock Himself Out Trying to Break...
- When they say, "knock yourself out" you're not...
Heavy Metal Words of Encouragement
- Some days we just need some positive reinforcement....
Skater Racks His Back During a Failed Rail Slide
- Things were going smoothly (for a few seconds) during...
Infuriated Karen Loses It, Gets Insta-Karma'd While...
- As if on a speedrun to fulfill the Karen stereotype,...
Chemical Plant in Rockford, Illinois Erupts In Flames
- All 70 employees made it out safely after massive...
The Zuck Offers Roger Waters Big Money for Pink Floyd...
- How far removed from reality do you have to be to...
Immense Great White is Covered in Battle Scars
- This shark has lived the hell out of its life.
Streamer's Soul Leaves His Body when His Toddler...
- While playing a scary game and live-streaming, this...
Huge Bunker Buster Sends Arms Depot to Oblivion
- This footage was reportedly captured up close and...
Cop Flips Pregnant Woman's Car for Pulling Over Too...
- Pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to do it.
Incel Falls In Love With His Virtual Waifu (Satire)
- Nokeric tried online dating in hope of improving his...
The Craziest Knife Throwing Skills on Planet Earth
- Looks like a dude with a dirtbike addiction, throws...
Catching Discord Predator Speedrun World Record...
- Catfishing predators on Discord has never been this...
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