Karen Accuses Delivery Man of Stealing Her Package
- Despite his assertion that he did not, she is beyond...
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30 of the Tiniest Things People Got Offended Over
- When you jump to a conclusion about something, you...
Maintenance Man Taken Hostage By Karen Who Won't Let...
- It’s hard enough as it is for a maintenance man...
‘Help Me, Help Me’ Karen Screams For Her Life...
- This kindergarten teacher Karen seems to be in...
'You're Going to Hit My Child?' Karen Uses Baby...
- This New Jersey Karen has decided to commit parking...
'Your Mother' Retort Stops Loudmouth Karen in Her...
- This Karen is not prepared for the person she is...
Woman Trashes Kia Dealership after They Won't Give...
- his woman turns to destruction in a Kia dealership,...
Karen Tries to Steal Because She Can’t Exchange Used...
- This Karen resorts to attempting petty theft when she...
'There's Too Much Ketchup' Karen Slams Big Mac on to...
- This Karen looks like what you'd expect to see if you...
Karen Refuses to Let Bus Pass Her after She Missed Her...
- This Karen missed the NYC crosstown bus, so she...
Hotel Guest Karen Demands Refund for Parking They...
- This hotel has a first come first serve policy due to...
Karen Threatens to Cut Diners after They Stick Up For...
- This Karen threatens to cut the face of a diner trying...
Karen Goes Off on Woman Who Took Her Pet Pig to the...
- An exacerbated Karen just can't accept that a woman is...
Entitled Tourist Mobbed after Climbing Sacred Mayan...
- This tourist with no regard for others and no respect...
Karen Hits Two Cars Trying to Cut the Dairy Queen Line
- This grandma Karen is trying to sneak her way into the...
Karen Harasses Airport Security Because a Typhoon...
- If the employee could change the weather, she wouldn't...
Woman Gets Assaulted by Karens For Not Wearing a Bra
- "It’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to...
Karen Gets Instant Karma after Prematurely Calling Tow...
- Karen gets hit with a heavy dose of well-deserved...
Karen Sees Guys Having a Freshly Caught Lobster Dinner...
- An insane woman confronts some guys who caught some...
Entitled Owner Causes His Own Store to Shut Down After...
- This POS vendor has no issue doing exactly what he was...
Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Expects Other Driver To...
- A typical day in the life of a Karen.
Karen Doesn't Understand Math, Asks To Pay Higher...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Karen Quickly Goes from Queen of the HOA to Convicted...
- Mmmm, taste the comeuppance!
Karen Has a Meltdown on Boaters Because Well, That's...
- "Unwelcomed" visitors to a private marina drives a...
Neighbor Loses Her Mind Because Guy Mowed Flowers in...
- Guy has an unsettling encounter with a "Karen"...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Karen Demands Neighbor Pay Vet Bills After Her Dog Ate...
- So let's get this story straight here. Your dog came...
Postal Worker Sends Entitled Karen to Prison
- "Do not mess with the mail. You will go to prison for...
24 Facepalms That Are The Epitome of Cringe
- Prep your face for your palm's arrival.
Woman Shamed For Showing off Her Big Naturals At...
- Adrienne Airhart was having a birthday dinner with her...
19 Entitled People Who Are Actually The Worst
- How can people be like this?
Ted Cruz Gets Greeted by Cop After Going Full Karen on...
- The Senator reportedly wanted names and titles because...
Crazy Lady Thinks the Mailman is Stalking Her
- Before the term Karen was coined, we had this gem of a...
Alleged Escort and Her John Get Maced by IRL Streamer
- Karen and you shall receive.
Karen Tries Punching Hairdresser, Gets Kicked Out With...
- Kudos to the hairdresser for standing her ground while...
Baby Karen-in-Training Has Entitlement-Fueled Meltdown...
- This dude was just trying to enjoy a pedicure with his...
Math Teacher Under Fire For Trig Lesson Featuring Her...
- Oh boy, wait until 'Dances-with-Karens' over here...
35 Choosey Beggars Who Forgot How People Work
- They need a reality check.
Skateboarder Confronted by Opposite of Karen - a Caring
- Where was this saint of a Karen back when I was still...
18 Crime Reports Proving the Citizen App Is Pure Chaos
- The Citizen app is a crime reporting app that can be...
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