Guy Answers Karen's Questions Completely Honestly, She...
- Hats off to this guy, I doubt I'd be able to keep my...
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SJW Karen Cries 'Appropriation' at White Guy Making...
- No. Just, no. Take several seats and shut up, Karen.
Anti-Masker's Solution to Store Requiring Face...
- She's basically Dutch oven-ing herself.
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
Police Arrest Anti-Masker Karen for Trespassing
- She literally sounds like a toddler trapped inside in...
Raging Psycho Chick Gets a Hardcore Remix
- Musician and Youtuber Andre Antunes turns another...
Mom Looking For Help in Walmart Becomes Customer...
- "I know how it feels being on the other end of the...
The Time Richard Sherman Duked it out With a Karen...
- One reporter at Media Day wanted to question Richard...
21 First-World Problems That Deserve the Tiniest Violin
- Must be nice.
Spoiled Baby Karen Botches Apology Interview With...
- 22-year-old Miya Ponsetto had a chance to set things...
Karen Records Police as Her Son is Arrested For Grand...
- "I want my son in my house right now." "Get back lady."
Karen Wants 7/11 Employee Privileges, Last Worked...
- Well, that's a new one.
Husband Bought the Greatest Shower of All Time
- Why isnt she happy? Don't be a Christmas Karen, Susan!
Crazy Karen Gets Picked Up and Removed From Store
- It's not 100% clear what exactly the argument was...
Karen Makes Crazy Demands in a Tattoo Shop
- This Karen walked in and started making all sorts of...
The Most Viewed eBaum's World Videos of 2020
- As the dumpster fire of a year that is 2020 draws to a...
Nasty Coworker Enjoys the Break-room Cake as a Single...
- Don't trust community treats! This Karen monster...
Karen Objects at her Own Son's Wedding
- A couple's happy day is ruined when a Mama Karen...
Karen Rant Gets Turned into a Heavy Metal Tune
- Musician and Youtuber Andre Antunes turned a Karen's...
Elon Musk Gets Nicknamed 'Space Karen' By Epigeneticist
- Elon Musk is like if a really smart dude was also...
Woman Crashes Her Car While Flipping Off Trump...
- The definition of instant karma.
Salty Little Girl Flips Off Lady Who Gave...
- Hey, Baby Karen, tell us how you REALLY feel.
Karen Complains She's "Discriminated Against" For Not...
- How did we get here?
Hateful Karen Gets Caught on Camera Keying a Tesla
- A Tesla owner is crediting his car’s technology for...
Karen Goes Quiet After Tech Support Proves Her...
- Turns out, her precious son was seriously messing...
10 Minutes of Skaters Facing-off against Karens
- Another compilation of Karens in the wild, but this...
Safety Swan Snaps a Mask Right Back on Lady's Face
- Safety first! Wear a mask! Stay away from swans!
Car in Front of Road-Raging Karen Deliberately Lets...
- Everyone hates being stuck in traffic, but I'll never...
Woman Who Left Fake Negative Review Gets Owned by...
- Take several seats, Jo. You're about to get wrecked.
Impatient Karen Honks for Parking Spot, Current...
- Sometimes, the best revenge requires doing absolutely...
Guy Uses Technicalities in HOA Rules to Defeat HOA...
- He used the rules to defeat the rules.
Karen Demands Mac 'n' Cheese From Wendy's Menu Photo,...
- She came to a Wendy’s drive-through, demanded mac...
Covid-Karen Arrested and Fined $20K For Facebook...
- A pregnant woman has been charged with incitement...
Karens Turned into Zombies is Just as Terrifying
- Redubbing some classic Karen videos with zombie noises...
Choosing Beggar Karen Wants to Pay For Art With...
- Your prayers don't pay my bills, Karen!
Choosing Beggar Wants iPad Delivered to His Home, Gets...
- This is trolling done right.
Weaponized Donut Teaches Karen to Stop Complaining...
- Careful what you wish for!
Karens Gone Wild August 2020
- Reporting from the frontlines, these videos capture...
Begging Choosers Who Are Out of Touch with Reality
- People who think they deserve more than everyone else,...
49 Funny Memes to Activate Your Laughter Functions
- A fine collection of funny memes for you to chill...
eBaum's Picks