Dane Cook Video Surfaces Where Comedian Coins Term...
- In a sketch from 2007 titled 'The Friend That Nobody...
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UPDATE: Rear-Ending Lady Wasn't Lying, Lambo Guy Was
- This whole thing just got messier. Turns out, Lambo...
Lyft Driver Freaks Out Over Request to Roll Down...
- A man ran into quite a speedbump earlier when he dared...
Karen Calls 911 Over Western Bacon Cheeseburger
- There's some next-level entitlement happening to make...
Dude Freaks Out on American Airlines Flight Proving...
- A man was arrested upon a flight's landing at the Salt...
Dude Gives Karen the Politest 'F--k Off' We've Ever...
- Dude demolished his Karen neighbor with the finesse of...
Son Switches Sides While Karen Mom Attacks Two Dudes...
- Two guys did a less-than-stellar parking job and this...
Karen Complains Restaurant Won't Serve Her After...
- Karen tries her best to throw a tantrum but the...
Rude Karen Gets Trolled by Returns Clerk, Has to Drive...
- A quick and satisfying tale of Karen getting trolled.
Backing the Car Into the Store to Avoid Rain Is a Pro...
- This may be the ultimate Karen move.
Entitled Kevin Tries Holding Restaurant Responsible...
- For the uninitiated, Kevin is the male version of...
20 Wild Karens that have Already Asked to Speak to the...
- Be careful out there in the world, flocks of angry...
Karen Wants to Speak to a Manager, Lady Happily Obliges
- Good lord Karen, not EVERYONE works for you!
NYC Karen Tries Luring Man's Dog into Traffic
- There's a way to tell someone to leash their dog....
Woman Realizes Mid-Freakout She's Going to Be on the...
- She seemed to know she'd be here, on the internet.
Trailer For 'Karen' Horror Movie is Pure, Distilled...
- This feels like a bad SNL skit.
Clout Hungry Karens File Lawsuit over Subway Tuna Salad
- The Happy Gilmore endorsed restaurant chain is facing...
Karen Couple Demand Free Food, Hilarious Employee...
- These two chavs thought they could finagle some free...
Karen Bride Pays Triple for Catering After Trying to...
- Hey Karen, you know contracts exist for a reason,...
30 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- These choosey beggars and entitled Karens need to be...
Infuriated Karen Loses It, Gets Insta-Karma'd While...
- As if on a speedrun to fulfill the Karen stereotype,...
Rude Male Karen Gets Knocked Down a Peg While Checking...
- This Male Karen (aka 'Maren') tried being rude to a...
Karen Freaks Out at Airport, Demands to See 'Manager...
- I genuinely lost it the moment she started making that...
35 Entitled Karens Spotted in Their Natural Habitat
- The wild world we live in has no shortage of people...
34 Dank Pics and Funny Memes to Amuse and Delight
- Stuff to help click away your boredom with.
Government Employee Karen Gets a Lesson in Humility
- "I work for the 'Governor! You may not have a job...
Hilarious Posts and Entitled Neighbors from the Best...
- Nextdoor is the neighborhood community app that lets...
Elevator Repairman Teaches Impatient Karen a Lesson
- What is with Karens and thinking they know better than...
Table of Rude Karens End Up Jobless After Boss Hears...
- Some people just get off on being horrible to people...
Karen Throws Out Expensive Birthday Cake, Employees...
- A little malicious compliance teaches Karen a lesson.
27 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- You can always count on entitled people staking their...
35 Relatable Memes For People in Relationships
- Bother your better half with some fun, flirtatious...
Gas Station Karen Doesn't Realize She's Not at a...
- It's just a button, Karen - push it, grab your coffee,...
Karen Refuses to Pay Bill Because She Can't Read Menus...
- Had she been nice about it, she'd actually have gotten...
Restaurant Manager Puts Karen in Her Place After She...
- It's nice seeing a wild Karen in her natural habitat,...
Karen Puts Her Custom Jewelry on Store Shelves Without...
- I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure business...
Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip (17 Pics)
- These folks are unfortunately under the impression...
Dude at Bruins Game Accidentally Spills Food onto Very...
- I mean, no one likes getting s**t spilled on them, but...
Dog Trainer Obliterates Karen With One Snappy Line
- Absolute savage.
Choosing Beggar Freaks Out at Cost of a Handmade Wool...
- Beggars can't be choosers, but try telling this guy...
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