Woman Gets Pissed at a Street Performer Because She...
- Karens truly come in all ages and varieties, not only...
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Karen Gets Rude with Off-Duty Cop and Commits Assault,...
- She instantly regretted her decision!
Hilarious Planet Earth Spoof Karen Earth, Is Spot On
- This needs to be a documentary on Netflix
Dude's MIL Keeps Oversalting Food After Being Asked to...
- Let's just say his revenge left a bad taste in her...
Entitled Teacher's Daughter Ruins Her Life Through Her...
- She would have gotten away with it too, if she'd just...
Young Karen-In-Training Bugs Skateboarders and...
- For whatever reason, this kid decided it was his duty...
Neighborhood Karen Harasses Pizza Delivery Guy Before...
- This woman was filmed harassing a pizza delivery man...
Karen Playing Pool While Claiming Medical Leave Gets...
- I can't say I'm surprised Karen tried to pull a stunt...
Karen Threatens to Shoot a Man When He Tells Her to...
- A crazy lady was confronted by another customer for...
Karen Pulls an Attitude on the Wrong Grandma, Gets...
- Suddenly, a wild Karen appears. Grandma uses "cursing...
Racist Karen Definitely Regrets Decision to Insult and...
- This is a perfect example of why it's best to just be...
Deborah Babers May Not be a Sex Slave But She is a...
- This video comes from a mask hearing in Ventura County...
Maid of Honor Puts Karen MIL Who Wore White to Wedding...
- I can't believe people still try to pull a stunt like...
Hotel Clerk Catches Her Ethics Professor in a Very...
- Well, isn't that ironic?
Does "Karens Gone Wild" Mark the End of Karen Videos...
- We've moved past the need for Karen videos. We no...
Entiled Aunt Karen's Alarm Clock Dispute Results in...
- I'm always amazed that people this selfish and...
Older Dude Has Excellent Response to Karen Who Wants...
- As far as clapbacks go, this one is pretty savage!
Entitled Karen will NOT be Homeschooling Her Kids
- Karen flips her lid after learning that her kids won't...
Karen Gets Killed by Kindness
- There's nothing better than completely defusing...
A "Testy Texan" Gets Trolled by Agent Cordell, the...
- This portly male Karen threatens to murder Agent...
Karen Calls Police On Man Sitting In His Car Outside...
- This Karen was filmed calling the police on a guy who...
Two-Faced Karen Exposed For Filth After Pushing Her...
- Just about every family has that one relative who is a...
52 Funny Memes In A Grab Bag of Random
- Not only will these memes make you laugh but it will...
27 Distinctly American Pics and Memes Just in Time for...
- Nothing's more American than apple pie and memes.
Woman Pulls Gun on Mother and Daughter for Messing...
- Tensions escalated after a woman accidentally bumped...
43 Stellar Memes To Laugh Your Heart Out To
- Have a n excellent excuse to procrastinate, by...
Entitled Family of Tourists Gets Well-Deserved Reality...
- We really should have more owners/managers who aren't...
42 Funny Memes That Will Cure Sadness
- Enjoy a set of the latest memes to make you laugh
Karen Says She's "Friends With the Owner" to the...
- Sure, Karen, you know everyone right? You're the Mayor...
Karen's Own Daughter Has to Tell Her to Check Her...
- This is the energy the world needs right now.
Permit Karen Goes Viral After Feud With Her Black...
- What is wrong with people. Walk away Karen, this is...
The Queen of Karens Makes a Scene at Her Ex-Husband's...
- The Queen of Karens, coming to FOX this fall is show...
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask...
- She definitely vapes her Starbucks through her butt.
Restaurant Manager's 'Kill them With Kindness'...
- When dealing with difficult people, specifically the...
Karen Coughs in the Face of a Cancer Patient at Pier...
- Karen flips off and coughs a woman at Pier One Imports.
Ken and Karen Get Meme'd After Confronting Protestors...
- In St Louis yesterday, as protestors made a their way...
Cheryl Thinks Her Husband Got Chlamydia From Wearing A...
- This is not how sexually transmitted diseases work...
CBS News Report About the Karen Meme Is Hilarious
- CBS news devoted an entire segment to talking about...
COVID-Karen Wants to Lecture Other People About Their...
- Trying to make everyone else follow rules you don't...
Karen Attempts to Expose Barista Who Wouldn't Serve...
- He's just doing his job, Karen.
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