ABC Australia Cuts to Satanic Ritual, Pretends Nothing...
- During a live broadcast, ABC News Australia seems to...
Media videos
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Biker Nearly Crushed by Bus Driver
- As the biker attempts to switch lanes, this truck...
Band Discovers Sax Player Lied on His Resume in Real...
- It's a good thing Jesus believes in forgiveness,...
Petty Road Rage Leads to Physics-Defying Instant Karma
- Two drivers managed to take a very simple problem and...
Surreal Scenes as Taliban Invades Amusement Park
- In what looks like something out of a weird fever...
Big Foot Shows Up to Six Year Old's Birthday Party
- What a great way to traumatize your children
Son Switches Sides While Karen Mom Attacks Two Dudes...
- Two guys did a less-than-stellar parking job and this...
Road Rage Is Very Real, Driver Throws Pickaxe at...
- We have no idea what started this, but you don't...
Drunk Driver Lays Waste to Maui Surf Shop
- A 20 year old man was arrested in Maui for plowing...
Trampolining onto a Pile of Legos Sounds Like an...
- These dudes jump onto a trampoline, and then try to...
Twitch Streamer Alinity Shows Off Her Special Talent
- She made that look pretty easy.
BuzzFeed Gives Cringey, Ultra-Buzzfeed Acceptance...
- So much cringe in so little time.
Jay Leno Casually Appears Out of the Nose of an...
- Video surfaced of Jay Leno appearing from the nose of...
Entire Factory of Fireworks Explodes in India
- What happens when fireworks literally catch fire? Well...
Boat Clearly Won’t Fit under Bridge, but Why Not...
- If at first you don't succeed, shove your boat as...
McDonald's and FaZe Clan Released a Commercial That...
- Would you like some cringe with that shake sir?...
Fire Lamp Decides It's Had Enough, Declares War on...
- A peaceful old dude was just chilling in his backyard,...
Testing Mosquito Repellent is a WTF Fueled Cascade of...
- Somebody''s gotta do it. Here we see a lab testing...
Someone Decided to Cook Eggs over 1,000 Sparklers
- If you ever find yourself lost in the woods or on a...
The Blue Robber Fly is Basically 'NOPE' with Wings
- A guy noticed this big ass bug stuck inside a window...
Man's Extreme Close Encounter With Female Bigfoot
- Peter Caine, Dog Trainer, returns to the dry creek bed...
Guy Exposes "Survival Builders" and the Devastation...
- They call themselves 'Survival something' or...
Fleeing Suspects Crash into Pole, Down Live Wires in...
- Wear your seatbelt.
Trucker Tries to Run Grandmother and Grandchildren Off...
- Attempted murder of an entire family might be a BIT of...
Passengers Lose It When Giant Spider Appears
- A group of people were peacefully driving along a...
Piers Morgan’s Quest for Meghan Markle Ends in Cringe
- Pretty woman hurt Piers' feelings. Pretty woman bad.
Shoppers Ignore Armed Robber Until He Lets Himself Out
- That's just embarrassing.
Live TV Segment Captures a Dude Accidentally Driving...
- During a live segment about development around the...
Car Thief Tries Robbing Old Man, Gets Saran Wrapped to...
- A car thief in Chile reportedly tried to rob an...
Crazy Dude Drives Around in a Flamethrower Car
- A man went out and successfully built himself a...
Ignition Specialist Records What a Controlled Burn...
- An ignition specialist at the San Carlos Apache...
Clueless Idiot Catcalls a Woman During an...
- Patrick Jones was headed out to cover the new...
Cringey Dude Malfunctions After Girl Rejects Him Live
- A young guy with a conspicuously blue tongue tries...
Dude Fails to Receive Happy Meal, Loses Control of...
- Apparently, moments before the clip begins, this dude...
Dog Faceplants Obstacle, Loses Will to Live
- When you fail so hard you're forced to rethink every...
Trailer for A24’s ‘Lamb’ Is Here and Now My...
- Two dudes with beards, farm animals, an overbearing...
Insane Rockslide Assaults Mountain Town, Obliterates...
- A gargantuan rockslide in the northern Indian state of...
4 Strange Ways Hollywood Thinks About Boobs And...
- Look, let's cut to the chase - Hollywood just can't...
Poor Girl Gets Smacked in the Face by a Seagull on the...
- While launching on the infamous slingshot ride a bird...
Guy Pulls Fake Gun on Clerk, Regrets It Instantly
- Maybe he needed the money for a better fake.
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