Oceanic Badass Pets Humongous Great White on the Nose
- We have another man, well-endowed with an indifference...
Media videos
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'Jackass Forever' Trailer Just Dropped and the Dudes...
- They're back. They're old, but they're back. 'Jackass...
Flooded Subway Cars, Massive Explosions in Henan...
- Unprecedented rains bringing 8 inches an hour have...
Fisherman 100% Chill About Giant Tornado Spawning...
- A massive tornado touched down just over a stone's...
Fuel Meter Breaks, Pilot Hangs Onto Wing While...
- This crazy pilot, who has an Instagram and TikTok full...
Cars Block Traffic, Get WTF Car Washed by Cement Truck
- Looks like some idiot decided to cut another car off...
Happy Dancing Robots Might Still Be the Most...
- After previous videos showed talented robots...
Road Rage Leads To Insane Karmic Payoff
- This driver thought he was a real badass until Karma...
4 Erotic Fanfiction Scenes That We Can't Unsee
- The fan fiction universe gives amateur writers open...
Highest Man in the World Smashes Cop Car, Destroys...
- 19 year old Jacob Swalbach was driving under a hell of...
Home Destroyed by Tornado, Homeowner Records Reaction
- This Ontario woman's home was obliterated by a massive...
Protestors Block High-Speed Traffic on Rainy Day and...
- A group of protestors thought to block highway traffic...
Valve Announces Steam Deck, Nintendo Switch Owners In...
- Valve Steam Deck is coming for Nintendo's lunch. Will...
Woman Rejects Dude's Public Proposal and Wins Car,...
- This man absolutely blew his top after his very public...
The Harrowing Tale of "Ghost Plane" Helios Flight 522
- A cabin pressurization switch left in the manual...
Utah Restocks Their Remote Lakes With What Are Called...
- Utah's Division of Wildlife Resources has a unique way...
Wendy Williams Announces TikTok Star's Death, Segment...
- Follower count, shooting glares, an incredibly awkward...
Dude Opens Can in Crocodile's Mouth, Buddy Shotguns...
- A ballsy move for sure. This dude literally reaches...
Trucker Drives Through Road Block by South African...
- A super chill-looking South African truck driver, busy...
Off-Duty Newton Police Officer Stops Armed Robbery
- He wanted to take out a convenience store. The dude...
Watch a Cameraman's Final Images as a Fighter Jet...
- The USS Oriskany, now an artificial reef off the coast...
The Time a Reporter Dropped the F-Bomb on Live TV,...
- A Canadian reporter covering a local news story found...
The Crazy Moment a SpaceX Recovery Vessel Doesn't...
- A boat tasked with recovering part of a SpaceX Fairing...
Guy Records Worst Tinder Date Ever
- A first date can be an awkward affair. But this lady...
Engineer Builds Secret Tunnel Under His Own House...
- A tunnel to make El Chapo himself blush.
Helplessly Drunk Driver Hands Cop Everything But Her...
- This cop in Canada pulls over a suspected DUI driver...
Guy Discovers Insane Secret Images in the Canadian...
- This guy placed his brand new Canadian passport under...
Giant Squid Attacks Surfers Chilling in Open Water
- It's all fun and games until you're dragged to the...
Skater Faceplants into a Truck Bed During an Attempted...
- He's gonna need to see a dentist and a plastic surgeon...
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist...
- A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in...
NYC Karen Tries Luring Man's Dog into Traffic
- There's a way to tell someone to leash their dog....
Tenacious D Is Back with a New Song as Tribute to The...
- This is a wild ride. Tenacious D just released a new...
The Entire Fast & Furious Movie Timeline Explained By...
- The entire Fast & Furious movie timeline explained in...
The Serial Police Impersonator's Interrogation by Real...
- This dude just can't stop.
Mad Genius Generates Mind-Bending Music With Gigantic...
- They're not just for smashing moments before secret...
Guy Catches Horrifying WTF Detail in 'Shrek' We All...
- This guy points out a shocking macabre detail that...
Clippers' Owner Steve Ballmer Gets a Little...
- Owner, Steve Ballmer got a little handsy while...
Woman Realizes Mid-Freakout She's Going to Be on the...
- She seemed to know she'd be here, on the internet.
Dude Calmly Explains Fungus That Looks Like Nightmare...
- The 'bleeding tooth' fungus has the unique appearance...
Dude Blasts Cop Trying to Impress a Booty Call On Duty
- I guess the only thing officer Rodriguez was trying to...
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